Thanks to a continuation of the
ISBE AT Tech and Training Grant, Infinitec is offering Free State Wide Trainings

Training options will be available in both virtual and face-to-face formats. Infinitec staff will be following protocols concurrent with ISBE, IDPH, and/or CDC mitigations, and may switch from face-to-face to virtual format given those parameters. It is expected that measures to prevent COVID-19 transmission concurrent with those guidelines be employed in face-to-face settings.
To request a training:
1. Please review available trainings listed in this document.
2. Complete the ‘Training Request Form.’
a. Select preferred training
b. Select the desired format (virtual or face-to-face)
c. Select the date/time (1-3 hour options or full day). Trainings can be 1, 2 or 3 hours in length unless listed under the ‘Full Day Training’ category. Select the time frame that matches the needs of your audience.
d. Provide information about your audience (role on school team, grade level(s) so that we can match training content with your audience.
3. To schedule, email ‘Training Request Form’ to Samantha Conklin a sconklin@ucpnet.org or Barb Eichhorn at eichhornba@gmail.com.
*** In order for a training to be face-to-face more than 12 staff must be registered for the training. If less than 12 staff are registered, the training will be presented virtually. ***
Once the training request form is completed, you will receive a link for participants to register for the requested session. All participants that wish to receive professional credit for attending the training MUST register through the link.
If you have requested a virtual session, all those that register will receive the Zoom link specific to the training via email following their registration.
Questions about scheduling?
Need help deciding what training
would be a match for your audience?
Please email Samantha Conklin at sconklin@ucpnet.org for further assistance.
Download printer friendly version of trainings
Training List
- Assistive Technology Trainings
- Assistive Technology Considerations. . . More Than a Checkbox
- Staying Off Snapchat! Technology Tools to Support Executive Function While Learning Online
- Assistive Technology for Reading
- Assistive Technology for Writing
- Getting from Point A to Z with a Little Help from AT: Assistive Technologies and Executive Functioning
- Empowering Students: Google Apps and Extensions for Enhanced Reading Support
- Empowering Students: Google Apps and Extensions for Enhanced Writing Support
- Empowering Students: Google Apps and Extensions to Support Executive Function
- Creating Literacy Opportunities for All
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL) & Technology
- One Size Does Not Fit All- Readily Available Resources to Support Differentiated Instruction and Universal Design for Learning
- One Size Does Not Fit All- Readily Available Resources to Support Differentiated Instruction and Universal Design for Students with Complex Needs
- Digital Materials Does Not Always Equal Accessibility-Creating Accessible Education Materials (AEM) in the School Environment
- To Accessibility and Beyond- Built in Accessibility Features of Chromebooks
- To Accessibility and Beyond- Built Accessibility Features of iPads and iPhones
- Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC)
- AAC’s and 1,2,3’s: An Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) for Educators
- Let’s Chat! Implementation of AAC in the Classroom
- Getting Started with the Student-Centered AAC Assessment
- Use Your Core in the Classroom! Implement the Use of Core Vocabulary Through AAC
- Accessible Low Tech AAC Tools for Classroom
- Making Language AACcessible-Alternative AAC Access Considerations for Educators
- Finding the ‘Right Words’ The Link between Communication and Behavior
- Social Skills
- Trainings for Students Transitioning out of High School
- Full Day Training
- The Assistive Technology Decision Making Process and Tools to Support Reading
- The Assistive Technology Decision Making Process and Tools to Support Writing
- Chrome Apps and Extensions to Support Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Use Your Core! Implementation of Core Vocabulary Thru Augmentative Alternative Communication
- Getting Started with the Student-Centered AAC Assessment
- Social Skills 2.0 and More . . . Hands-On Edition
- Trainings for Parents
- Assistive Technology for Reading
- Assistive Technology for Writing
- To Accessibility and Beyond- Built In Accessibility Features of Chromebooks
- To Accessibility and Beyond- Built-in Accessibility Feature of iPads and iPhones
- Have it Your Way with Google Chrome- Supports for Reading
- Have it Your Way with Google Chrome- Supports for Writing
- Tools for Support Executive Function While Learning at Home
- Let’s Get Visual! Visual Strategies for All
- AAC for Parents
Assistive Technology Trainings
Assistive technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities.
Assistive Technology Considerations. . . More Than a Checkbox
Assistive Technology (AT) consideration is more than a check box. It is a legal requirement of the IEP process. AT consideration requires the team to partake in a consistent decision-making process in relation to the student’s IEP goals and objectives. This session will review the current law as it pertains to AT consideration. Resources will be provided to assist IEP teams with compliance for AT consideration.
- Participants will be able to understand the law as it pertains to assistive technology and assistive technology consideration.
- Participants will know how to appropriately consider assistive technology for students.
- Participants will be able to list resources such as the QIAT and forms to assist with assistive technology consideration.
Staying Off Snapchat! Technology Tools to Support Executive Function While Learning Online
*** Time for hands-on opportunities optional. ***
Many of our students struggle with executive function skills and completing their work. In today’s climate, many of our students are learning online. A barrier for online learning can be the number of distractions for students such as social media and browsing the web. These distractions can lead to prolonged or uncompleted work. The technology tools provided in the training will support time management and focus while utilizing Google Chrome and mobile devices. This training will provide strategies to assist in keeping your students focused and off Snapchat!
- Participants will be able to define the SETT framework when selecting technology to support executive function skills.
- Participants will be able to identify features important to support time management and focus while online learning.
- Participants will be able to list 5 technology tools to support time management and engagement while learning online.
Assistive Technology for Reading
*** Time for hands-on opportunities optional. ***
Reading is an integral part of a student’s school day. Unfortunately, many of our students struggle with reading. Technology can be a powerful tool for those that find reading challenging. This presentation will review a continuum of low to high technology tools to support reading, including some free tools. In addition, participants will be introduced to the SETT model when gathering information for technology selection.
- Participants will be able to list low technology tools to support reading.
- Participants will be able to list high technology tools to support reading.
- Participants will be able to use the SETT model to gather information.
Assistive Technology for Writing
*** Time for hands-on opportunities optional. ***
Writing is a complex task that is an essential part a student’s school day. Unfortunately, many of our student’s struggle with writing for various reasons such as motor demands and organization. Technology can be a powerful tool for those that find writing difficult. This presentation will review a continuum of low to high technology tools to support writing, including some free tools. In addition, participants will be introduced to the SETT model when gathering information for technology selection.
- Participants will be able to list low technology tools to support organization and writing.
- Participants will be able to list high technology tools to support organization and writing.
- Participants will be able to use the SETT model to gather information.
Getting from Point A to Z with a Little Help from AT: Assistive Technologies and Executive Functioning
*** Time for hands-on opportunities optional. ***
In this session participants will learn about assistive technology tools which support students who struggle with executive function skills. During the presentation a variety of tools will be demonstrated which support skills in the areas of time management, information management, and material management, all of which help support executive functions and are necessary for school success.
- Participants will be able to list areas of executive function.
- Participants will be able to list common tools to support executive function skills.
- Participants will be able to use the SETT model to gather information and determine technology tools to support executive function.
Empowering Students: Google Apps and Extensions for Enhanced Reading Support
*** Time for hands-on opportunities optional. ***

Reading is an integral part of a student’s school day. Unfortunately, many of our student’s struggle with reading. There are a plethora of Google apps and extensions that can ‘level the playing field’ for those that find reading challenging. With so many options available, how can educators determine which app or extension is a match for a student’s educational needs? And how can that student be a successful user of those supports? This presentation will review an array of Google apps/extensions.
- Participants will be able to identify specific Google Chrome apps/extension, and corresponding features, that can support school reading tasks.
- Participants will be able to use a framework to gather information and determine technology tools to support reading.
- Participants will be able to list and describe 4 competencies to improve successful assistive technology use.
Empowering Students: Google Apps and Extensions for Enhanced Writing Support
*** Time for hands-on opportunities optional. ***

Writing is a vehicle for communication, connection and creativity. Unfortunately, many of our students appear as ‘reluctant writers’ because they find aspects of writing challenging. There are a plethora of Google apps and extensions that can ‘level the playing field’ for those ‘reluctant writers.’ With so many options available, how can educators determine which app or extension is a match for a student’s educational needs? And how can that student be a successful user of those supports? This presentation will review areas of difficulty in writing and an array of Google apps/extensions that can support those writing challenges. Participants will be introduced to a framework for gathering information for technology selection, and become familiar with competencies to improve independent student use of technology.
- Participants will be able to identify specific Google Chrome apps/extension, and corresponding features, that can support writing tasks.
- Participants will be able to use a framework to gather information and determine technology tools to support writing.
- Participants will be able to list and describe 4 competencies to improve successful assistive technology use.
Empowering Students: Google Apps and Extensions to Support Executive Function
*** Time for hands-on opportunities optional. ***

Executive function skills consist of a set of mental skills that helps students complete tasks efficiently and effectively. When they struggle in an area of executive function, their school work, self-esteem, and relationships can suffer. This presentation will review an array of Google apps/extensions that support executive function. Participants will be introduced to a framework for gathering information for technology selection, and become familiar with competencies to improve independent student use of technology.
- Participants will be able to list areas of executive function and identify specific Google Chrome apps/extension, and corresponding features, that support those areas.
- Participants will be able to use a framework to gather information and determine technology tools to support executive function.
- Participants will be able to list and describe 4 competencies to improve successful assistive technology use.
Creating Literacy Opportunities for All
The International Literacy Association asserts that “every child,
everywhere, has access to the education, opportunities, and resources needed to read.” But what does that look like for students with complex needs? This training will review tools and strategies that will improve student access to language, books, and writing to increase participation in instructional literacy activities. Participants will walk away with resources that they can immediately implement to support literacy instruction in their classrooms.
- Participants will identify tools and strategies to support language and communication related to literacy experiences for students with complex needs.
- Participants will identify tools and strategies to support access to books for students with complex needs.
- Participants will identify tools and strategies to support writing for students with complex needs.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) & Technology
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn.
One Size Does Not Fit All- Readily Available Resources to Support Differentiated Instruction and Universal Design for Learning
*** Time for hands-on opportunities optional. Resources can be focused on elementary or
secondary. ***
This presentation will introduce participants to online tools that support Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The three basic tenants of UDL, multiple means of representation, multiple means of expression and multiple means of engagement will be defined and web-based resources to support UDL will be provided. These readily available, web-based resources will include supports in the areas of reading, writing and math for students.
- Participants will be able to list the 3 main components of UDL and how UDL applies to all learners.
- Participants will be able to match the features of technology to UDL checkpoints to benefit all learners.
- Participants will know how to integrate technology into curricular activities to facilitate UDL.
One Size Does Not Fit All- Readily Available Resources to Support Differentiated Instruction and Universal Design for Students with Complex Needs
Universal design for learning (UDL) is implicit to any educator that supports the academic growth of students with complex needs. Educators of these students need a variety of tricks and tools to dynamically teach, empower students to share knowledge, and maintain engagement during lessons and learning. This training will provide a whirlwind tour of FREE or low cost, readily available resources that align UDL within curricular activities and evidence based practices for students with complex needs.
- Participants will be able to list the 3 main components of UDL and how those components apply to all learners.
- Participants will match features of low and high technology supports to UDL checkpoints.
- Participants will describe how to integrate technology that supports UDL into curricular activities for students with complex needs.
Digital Materials Does Not Always Equal Accessibility-Creating Accessible Education Materials (AEM) in the School Environment
According to CAST, accessible educational materials (AEM) are print- and technology-based educational materials, including printed and electronic textbooks and related core materials that are designed or enhanced in a way that makes them usable across the widest range of learner variability, regardless of format (e.g., print, digital, graphic, audio, video). Providing AEM does not change the content, only the way it is presented to the student. Providing AEM is imperative to the independence and success of students with disabilities in today’s classroom. This session will provide a brief overview of AEM. Participants will review built-in accessibility features that support AEM, accessibility checkers, and how to create accessible materials such as text, audio, and video. Come learn how to create content for all!
- Participants will be able to define AEM and list the legal requirements.
- Participants will be able to create accessible materials such as text, audio, and video
- Participants will be able to list three features of everyday technology that can support AEM.
To Accessibility and Beyond- Built in Accessibility Features of Chromebooks
Chromebooks are used throughout a student’s day. There are many features built into the Chromebook that can enhance reading and writing. For example, text can be read out loud to increase reading comprehension, and your voice can be used to input text on the screen. These features can make a difference for our students while attending school or learning at home. Come check out how the built-in tools of a Chromebook can assist your students. You may discover a feature or two for yourself!
- Participants will learn how to access and turn on the accessibility features of a Chromebook.
- Participants will learn of the built-in accessibility features of a Chromebook to support reading.
- Participants will learn of the built-in accessibility features of a Chromebook to support writing.
To Accessibility and Beyond- Built Accessibility Features of iPads and iPhones
Many students have access to an iOS device such as an iPad or iPhone. There are many features built into the iPad or iPhone that can enhance reading and writing. For example, text can be read out loud to increase reading comprehension, and your voice can be used to input text on the screen. These features can make a difference for our students while attending school or learning at home. Come check out how the built-in tools of an iOS device can assist your child. You may discover a feature or two for yourself!
- Participants will learn how to access and turn on the accessibility features of an iPad/iPhone.
- Participants will learn of the built-in accessibility features of an iPad/iPhone to support reading.
- Participants will learn of the built-in accessibility features of iPad/iPhone to support writing.
Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, also known as AAC is used for individuals that have difficulty using a form of communication that is understood by a large group of people. When this happens the individual may utilize an AAC system to either support (augment) or in place of (alternative) a more formal communication system.
AAC’s and 1,2,3’s: An Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) for Educators
This workshop will introduce learners to the categories of AAC and provide examples of items within these categories. The definitions pertaining to AAC will be discussed and participants will learn which students will benefit from AAC supports. Access to communication devices will be discussed and participants will gain exposure to associated research.
- Participants will identify the features of low, mid and high tech AAC devices and supports.
- Participants will identify three alternate access methods to vocabulary on AAC systems.
- Participants will define vocabulary specific to AAC and its use.
Let’s Chat! Implementation of AAC in the Classroom
This session will identify evidence-based strategies to encourage the use of AAC in the classroom. Participants will discuss the importance of vocabulary selection and identify target vocabulary based on student behavior and communicative functions. Participants will identify barriers to success and develop strategies to avoid these barriers in order to promote total communication in the classroom.
- Participants will identify which individuals may benefit from AAC intervention techniques.
- Participants will name implementation strategies for use in the classroom.
- Participants will identify appropriate AAC vocabulary for use in the educational environment.
Getting Started with the Student-Centered AAC Assessment
***This is an intermediate level training – participants should have prior knowledge of AAC tools and strategies. ***
This presentation will discuss the Augmentative and Alternative Communication assessment process, considering the strengths and needs of an individual in order to identify the features of an appropriate AAC system. Assessment models will be briefly discussed and the steps of the assessment process will be outlined. Participants will identify the benefits of matching the technology to an individual’s needs rather than matching the individual to the technology.
- Participants will list the components of the feature match assessment to support communication.
- Participants will name three tools to support the AAC Assessment process.
- Participants will compare and contrast the features of a variety of apps and speech generating devices for communication.
Use Your Core in the Classroom! Implement the Use of Core Vocabulary Through AAC
With so many words in our language it is impossible to identify every word that your student might say, but with core vocabulary you do not have to. Vocabulary selection can be a very challenging task, and finding the right vocabulary can often make or break the success of augmentative and alternative communication in the classroom. In this presentation, we will go over the definition of core vocabulary. Participants will be able to identify which type of words fall into this category, and list a variety of AAC tools and strategies to implement while using your core in the classroom.
- Participants will define vocabulary specific to AAC and its use.
- Participants will identify vocabulary selection instruments and techniques to customize core vocabulary.
- Participants will name implementation strategies for use of core language in the classroom.
Accessible Low Tech AAC Tools for Classroom
This session will identify evidence-based, low technology tools to promote classroom communication and academic understanding. Participants will discuss strategies to seamlessly embed AAC into academic activities with students who have complex communication and learning needs. Practical resources for free and low-cost tools will be shared and alternate access strategies discussed. If you want to maximize your use of low tech AAC strategies to promote successful communication and support academic understanding, this session is for you!
- Participants will identify three low technology AAC supports to promote communication in the classroom environment.
- Participants will list at least three implementation strategies for use in the classroom.
- Participants will identify strategies to differentiate instruction in order to enable successful communication for all learners using low technology AAC.
Making Language AACcessible-Alternative AAC Access Considerations for Educators
***This is an intermediate level training – participants should have prior knowledge of AAC tools and strategies. ***
Individuals will use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) when their ability to speak does not meet all of their needs with all partners in all environments. When a person with complex communication needs has accompanying physical disabilities, alternate methods of accessing AAC may need to be explored to enable successful communication. This presentation will provide an overview of access methods for low- and high- tech systems. Participants will be able to identify several methods of direct and indirect access to enable all students to communicate to their fullest potential.
- Participants will list at least 3 direct and indirect access methods to access AAC.
- Participants will identify three FREE low technology AAC supports to enable communication in the classroom environment.
- Participants will describe ways to modify an AAC system to meet a student’s access needs.
Finding the ‘Right Words’ The Link between Communication and Behavior

Behavior is a form of communication. But how can we support students in replacing challenging behaviors with more socially acceptable modes of communication? This training will review the basics of behavior and communication, and discuss low tech tools and strategies to promote effective communication.
- Participants will be able to name the functions of communication and the functions of behavior, and describe how they relate.
- Participants will be able to name examples of communicative replacement behaviors related to the functions of behavior.
- Participants will be able to describe augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) tools and/or strategies to further develop effective communication.
Social Skills
Social skills are those skills that are used with others typically in a social setting or larger group. These skills are usually learned through observation, but for those with autism, ADHD, or other disabilities they may need direct instruction to learn these skills.
Social Skills Instruction 2.0
The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder has defined several evidence based practices (EBP) in teaching social skills including scripting, video modeling, and social stories. This training will define those EBPs, review the research behind the strategies, and guide participants through the practical use of those strategies in the classroom/school setting. Participants will learn how to take those strategies to the next level by incorporating low and high tech tools during social skills instruction.
- Participants will identify 3 evidence based practices to teach social skills.
- Participants will describe the steps of how to use the evidence based practices to teach social skills in the school setting.
- Participants will define technology that can be used to increase the accessibility of social skills instruction.
Let’s Get Visual! Visual Strategies for ALL
Visual supports are defined as an evidence based practice in improving communication, understanding and social skills for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Participants of this session will learn why and how visual systems are implemented in multiple facets of the classroom. Low to high tech examples will be shared to demonstrate how visual supports can practically be integrated in classroom activities. Visual supports to aid in the in the classroom environment, behavior and communication will be demonstrated.
- Participants will be able to use visual supports to facilitate understanding in the classroom.
- Participants will know how to use visuals to facilitate communication and behavior.
- Participants will know of free resources to obtain visual supports to use in the classroom to support students in understanding, behavior and communication.
Trainings for Students Transitioning out of High School
When students are no longer in school it is important that they have the ability to access tools that will support their education and employment beyond high school.
Google Tools that Groove and Support the Move
In this hands-on training, students in the transition process will discover the power of Google Chrome! This FREE tool can empower students to be more successful in studying, reading, and writing! This training will give learners the opportunity to manipulate Google Chrome extensions and apps to support studying, reading, and writing. All students must have access to a device which can access the internet, Gmail account (free by creating an email account), and the ability to add apps/extensions.
- Students will be able to add apps and extensions to their Google Chrome browser.
- Students will be able to list apps and extensions to support reading on the web.
- Students will be able to list apps and extensions to support writing on the web.
Free Web Resources to Support Reading and Writing
In this hands-on training, students in the transition process will discover the power of the web! Free resources will be provided that can empower the students to be more successful in reading and writing. This training will give learners the opportunity to explore the web and the free resources delivered. All students must have access to a device that can access the internet.
- Students will list three free tools that support reading.
- Students will list three free tools that support writing.
- Students will be able to define features when looking at different technology tools.
Full Day Training
Face-to-face – Full day face-to-face trainings will consist of a total of 5 hours of on-site training for each title. Time for lunch and breaks can be coordinated with the presenter.
Virtual – Full day virtual training will consist of a total of 4 hours of virtual training for each title. The 4-hour training will be broken down into two 2-hour sessions. The two sessions may be scheduled within the same day (with an hour break between each session) or on two separate days. If the sessions are requested for two separate days, they must be scheduled within a two-week time frame.
The Assistive Technology Decision Making Process and Tools to Support Reading
*** Time for hands-on opportunities optional. ***
Reading comprehension and the ability to access content from text is a critical part of student learning. Therefore, it is vital that educational teams have an understanding of the scope of assistive technology (AT) tools and strategies to support reading and how to match those tools and strategies with students’ needs. This presentation will guide participants through the AT decision making process and review current Illinois legislation related to AT consideration. A continuum of AT tools, and their features, in the area of reading and will be shared. The process of gathering information using the SETT framework and the Protocol for Accommodations for Reading (PAR) will be described. Resources to support feature matching, planning for and implementation of AT trials, and documentation of the process will be outlined. Participants will leave empowered, ready to make decisions about AT to support their students!
- State the law related to AT and AT consideration
- Name and describe the frameworks/protocols to support gathering information related to the AT decision-making process for reading
- Name AT tools, and their features, in the area of reading
- Describe the process for trialing AT tools and determining their effectiveness
The Assistive Technology Decision Making Process and Tools to Support Writing
*** Time for hands-on opportunities optional. ***
Writing can allow students to share personal, social, and academic information. Yet, it is challenging for many because it is a complex task requiring many skills to work in tandem. Because of the numerous task demands related to writing, educational teams need to understand the scope of assistive technology (AT) tools/strategies to support writing and how to match those tools/ strategies with students’ needs. This presentation will guide participants through the AT decision-making process and review current Illinois legislation related to AT. A continuum of AT tools, and their features, in the areas of writing, will be shared. The process of gathering information using the SETT framework and the DeCoste Writing Protocol (WP) will be described. Resources to support feature matching, planning for and implementation of AT trials, and documentation of the process will be outlined. Teams will leave with the ‘write’ plan to support their students!
- State the law related to AT and AT consideration
- Name and describe the frameworks/protocols to support gathering information related to the AT decision-making process for writing
- Name AT tools, and their features, in the area of writing
- Describe the process for trialing AT tools and determining their effectiveness
Chrome Apps and Extensions to Support Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
*** Time for hands-on opportunities optional. ***
UDL is a framework to optimize learning for all students and contains 3 major components. The three major components are multiple means of engagement, multiple means of representation and multiple means of expression. Participants will be introduced to the concepts and how the 3 principals can benefit ALL LEARNERS. Google Chrome is a powerful web browser that has the ability to enhance the web browsing experience through apps and extensions. Participants will have a hands-on opportunity to explore Google Chrome Apps and Extensions through a UDL lens.
- Participants will know the 3 major principals of UDL.
- Participants will be able to integrate Chrome apps to support UDL.
- Participants will be able to integrate Chrome extensions that support UDL.
Use Your Core! Implementation of Core Vocabulary Thru Augmentative Alternative Communication
With so many words in our language it is impossible to identify every word that your student might say, but with core vocabulary you do not have to. Vocabulary selection can be a very challenging task, and finding the right vocabulary can often make or break the success of augmentative and alternative communication in the classroom. In this presentation, we will go over the definition of core vocabulary. Participants will be able to identify which type of words fall into this category, and list a variety of AAC tools and strategies to implement while using your core in the classroom.
- Participants will define vocabulary specific to AAC and its use.
- Participants will identify vocabulary selection instruments and techniques to customize core vocabulary.
- Participants will name implementation strategies for use of core language in the classroom.
Getting Started with the Student-Centered AAC Assessment
***This is an intermediate level training – participants should have prior knowledge of AAC tools and strategies. ***
This presentation will discuss the Augmentative and Alternative Communication assessment process, considering the strengths and needs of an individual in order to identify the features of an appropriate AAC system. Assessment models will be briefly discussed and the steps of the assessment process will be outlined. Participants will identify the benefits of matching the technology to an individual’s needs rather than matching the individual to the technology.
- Participants will list the components of the feature match assessment to support communication.
- Participants will name three tools to support the AAC Assessment process.
- Participants will compare and contrast the features of a variety of apps and speech generating devices for communication.
- Participants will identify three strategies to promote AAC usage during and after the AAC trial.
Social Skills 2.0 and More . . . Hands-On Edition
*** Time for hands-on opportunities optional. ***
This training will give participants an in-depth look at the practical strategies to support evidence-based practices, as identified by The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder. The specific areas covered will be video modeling, visual strategies, social narratives and scripting. These practices support behavior, learning, independence and more! As this is a hands-on session, participants will have the opportunity to begin the planning process related to implementing the reviewed strategies and explore the technology demonstrated.
- Participants will be able to define 4 evidence-based practices for students with autism.
- Participants will be able to list 3 resources for creating evidence-based practices for students with autism.
- Participants will be able to provide 5 benefits of visual strategies for students with autism.
Trainings for Parents
For skills and strategies to be most effective they need to be used in multiple environments across the day. These trainings will support the use of skills and strategies at home.
Assistive Technology for Reading
Reading is an integral part of a student’s school day. Unfortunately, many of our student’s struggle with reading. Technology can be a powerful tool for those that find reading challenging. This presentation will review a continuum of low to high technology tools to support reading, including some free tools.
- Participants will be able to list low technology tools to support reading.
- Participants will be able to list high technology tools to support reading.
Assistive Technology for Writing
Writing is a complex task that is an essential part a student’s school day. Unfortunately, many of our student’s struggle with writing for various reasons such as motor demands and organization. Technology can be a powerful tool for those that find writing difficult. This presentation will review a continuum of low to high technology tools to support writing, including some free tools
- Participants will be able to list low technology tools to support organization and writing.
- Participants will be able to list high technology tools to support organization and writing.
To Accessibility and Beyond- Built In Accessibility Features of Chromebooks
Chromebooks are used throughout a student’s day. There are many features built into the Chromebook that can enhance reading and writing. For example, text can be read out loud to increase reading comprehension, and your voice can be used to input text on the screen. These features can make a difference for our students while attending school or learning at home. Come check out how the built-in tools of a Chromebook can assist your child. You may discover a feature or two for yourself!
- Participants will learn how to access and turn on the accessibility features of a Chromebook.
- Participants will learn of the built-in accessibility features of a Chromebook to support reading.
- Participants will learn of the built-in accessibility features of a Chromebook to support writing.
To Accessibility and Beyond- Built-in Accessibility Feature of iPads and iPhones
Many students have access to an iOS device such as an iPad or iPhone. There are many features built into the iPad or iPhone that can enhance reading and writing. For example, text can be read out loud to increase reading comprehension, and your voice can be used to input text on the screen. These features can make a difference for our students while attending school or learning at home. Come check out how the built-in tools of an iOS device can assist your child. You may discover a feature or two for yourself!
- Participants will learn how to access and turn on the accessibility features of an iPad/iPhone.
- Participants will learn of the built-in accessibility features of an iPad/iPhone to support reading.
- Participants will learn of the built-in accessibility features of iPad/iPhone to support writing.
Have it Your Way with Google Chrome- Supports for Reading
Reading is an integral part of a student’s school day. Unfortunately, many of our student’s struggle with reading. Google’s Chrome Web Browser can hold powerful tools that will help avoid triggers for those that find reading challenging. This presentation will review a plethora of Chrome web browser tools to support reading, including some free tools.
- Participants will be able to list reading supports for students who use the Chrome browser.
- Participants will be able to identify specific tools useful for related to s school reading tasks.
Have it Your Way with Google Chrome- Supports for Writing
Writing is a vehicle for communication, connection and creativity. Unfortunately, many of our student’s struggle with writing. Google’s Chrome web browser can be a powerful tool for those that find writing challenging. This presentation will review a plethora of Chrome web browser tools to support writing, including some free tools. Areas of difficulty in writing will be explored.
- Participants will be able to identify the different areas of writing that may require support.
- Participants will be able to list writing supports for students who use the Chrome browser.
Tools for Support Executive Function While Learning at Home
Many of our students struggle with executive function skills and completing their work. In today’s climate, many of our students are learning online. A barrier for online learning can be the number of distractions for students such as social media and browsing the web. These distractions can lead to prolonged or uncompleted work. The technology tools provided in the training will support time management and focus while utilizing Google Chrome and mobile devices. This training will provide strategies to assist in keeping your students focused and off Snapchat!
- Participants will be able to identify features important to support time management and focus while online learning.
- Participants will be able to list 5 technology tools to support time management and engagement while learning online.
Let’s Get Visual! Visual Strategies for All
Visual supports are defined as an evidence based practice in improving communication, understanding and social skills for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Participants of this session will learn why and how visual systems are implemented in multiple facets of the classroom. Low to high tech examples will be shared to demonstrate how visual supports can practically be integrated in classroom activities. Visual supports to aid in the in the classroom environment, behavior and communication will be demonstrated.
- Participants will be able to use visual supports to facilitate understanding in the classroom.
- Participants will know how to use visuals to facilitate communication and behavior.
- Participants will know of free resources to obtain visual supports to use in the classroom to support students in understanding, behavior and communication.
AAC for Parents
This workshop will introduce learners to the categories of AAC and provide examples of items within these categories. The definitions pertaining to AAC will be discussed and participants will learn which students will benefit from AAC supports. Access to communication devices will be discussed and participants will gain exposure to associated research.
- Participants will identify the features of low, mid and high tech AAC devices and supports.
- Participants will identify three alternate access methods to vocabulary on AAC systems.
- Participants will define vocabulary specific to AAC and its use.