It is critical to remember that delivering AT Services is bigger than providing a student with a technology tool.
IDEIA 2004 defines AT Services as any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition and use of an assistive technology device. This term includes:
- The evaluation of the need of a child with a disability, including a functional evaluation of the child’s customary environment
- Purchasing, leasing, or otherwise providing for the acquisition of assistive technology devices by children with disabilities
- Selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, applying, retaining, repairing, or replacing assistive technology devices
- Coordinating and using other therapies, interventions, or services with assistive technology devices, such as those associated with existing education and rehabilitation plans and programs
- Training or technical assistance for a child with a disability or, if appropriate, that child’s family
- Training or technical assistance for professionals (including individuals or rehabilitation services), employers or other individuals who provide services to employ, or are otherwise substantially involved in the major life functions of children with disabilities.
Source: 20 USC § 1401(2)
Key Concepts:
- AT Services are more than merely providing the AT device or equipment.
- AT Services are a process by which AT is considered, selected, provided, supported, and periodically evaluated to determine its effectiveness for a student.